Specialists for your wealth

The people behind the performance.

Your Specialists

Great experience and great commitment to your assets


To Profile Asset Manager WSA, Certified Financial Planner, Banking specialist, Specialised in portfolio management and financial and succession planning
Christian Sammet
Managing Director and Shareholder


To profile

Certified bank management expert (ADG)

Specialized in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Bernhard Schweizer

Division Manager Family Office

To Profile

Financial Planner
Graduate in banking management (Frankfurt School)

Specialised in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Thomas Scheunert

Deputy Head of Family Office

To Profile

Certified Financial Planner®,

Specialised in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Almut Sonnhalter

Prokuristin und Family Officerin

To Profile

financial planner,
Bank business economist,

Specialised in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Sascha Netusil

Prokurist und Family Officer

To Profile


Specialized in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Michaela Pircher

Branch Manager Stuttgart


Financial Planner
Banking economist

Specialised in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Michael Huber

Prokurist und Family Officer

TO PROFILEBankkauffrau Fachwirtin für Finanzberatung (IHK)
Specialist for structured, individual credit solutions with a focus on real estate

Heike Frühwirth

Head of Financing



Physician with a focus on clinical research
Specialist in healthcare asset management
Portfolio advisor with a focus on biotechnology

Dr. med. Lars Bohnert

Fondsadvisor Portfoliomanagement Biotech

Insurance & Real Estate,

External Advisory


Insurance salesman
Insurance specialist (IHK)
Consultant commercial personal insurance business (BWV)
Consultant commercial property insurance business and corporate pension scheme (SV Vertriebsakademie)

Specialist for: Health and labour protection, private and commercial pension solutions, insurance solutions in the field of generation management.

Wolfgang Kurz

Managing Director Insurance


Immobilienmakler (IHK)
Manager Betriebsorganisation
Lean-Six-Sigma Experte

Immobilienspezialist, zugelassener Makler und Finanzierungsexperte im Wohn und Gewerbebereich

Elio Ballerini
Leiter Immobilien

To Profile

MBA Corporate Finance

Specialized in portfolio management and financial and succession planning

Ralph Lück

External Advisor

To Profile

Studies in law and business administration
Objective, discrete and pragmatic advice with regard to strategic options in corporate transactions.

Dr. Clint Magg

M&A Consulting
External Advisor

To profile

Graduate Economist

Financing expert with more than 25 years of experience
Specialized in bank and capital market financing and financial organization

Wilhelm Deißmann

Financing Expert

To profile

Former professional soccer player

Thanks to his many years of experience in professional soccer and his network, he knows the needs and expectations of top athletes from his own experience

Tobias Weis

Athlete Capital Advisor

Steuerung & Back Office

To Profile

Asset Manager WSA

Specialized in marketing and project management with over 20 years of professional experience

Ralph Angerer

Prokurist und Leiter Vertriebssteuerung

To Profile

Banking specialist (HfB, WSA)

Many years of banking experience as branch manager. Perfect financial know-how and representative for all back office topics

Daniela Sammet

Prokuristin und Leiterin Back Office

To Profile

Administrative assistant,
Many years of experience in the commercial sector. Support for all back office issues. 

Ingrid Barthel

Back Office

TO PROFILE Banker Many years of banking experience in the area of high net worth private clients Support with all back office issues

Stefanie Waldvogel

Back Office



Allgemeine Hochschulreife

Fabio Sammet

Dual Student

Advisory board

Marcus Böhringer

The company mabo Steuerungselemente GmbH was founded in 1991 by Werner J.E. Böhringer in Stebbach, near Eppingen. Responsible action and sustainable management is the credo of the father of two. With his son Marcus E. Böhringer, the succession in the company is also secured. After successfully completing his studies and holding several positions in Germany and abroad, the graduate industrial engineer took over the management together with his father in 2008.

Wolfgang Leimgruber

Former Member of the Executive Board of Porsche AG responsible for Production and Logistics

Only the tie betrays that the former head of the body shop is one of the Porsche management team. The Laupheim-born car mechanic is a down-to-earth person. He learned car building from scratch: first an apprenticeship as a machine fitter, then engineering school in Ulm and finally mechanical engineering studies at the TH Stuttgart. He worked for the sports car manufacturer for over 30 years, his entire career. Now he accompanies numerous supervisory board mandates in various companies.

Dr. Frank Thiede

After studying economics and obtaining his doctorate at the University of Hohenheim, he worked as a tax consultant for an international IT group and a Big Four auditing firm, where he was responsible for VAT, international tax law and investment tax law. After working in New York, London, Frankfurt am Main and Zurich, he founded TAXGATE in Stuttgart, a law firm specialising in transactions, investments and tax compliance.

Dr. Nebojsa Todorovic

„Das Risiko einschätzen und Mut haben, es einzugehen, veränderte mein Leben“ sagt heute der promovierte Mathematiker und blickt auf eine erfolgreiche Karriere zurück. Damals entschied er sich, seinen sicheren Beruf als Industriemechaniker aufzugeben, um Mathematik zu studieren. Nach anschließender Promotion widmete er sich dem Thema Risikomanagement zunächst als Berater bei zwei der „Big Four“ Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften. Später wechselte er zu UBS Deutschland und übernahm anschließend nach der Firmierung zu UBS Europe S.E. eine Europafunktionsrolle. Seit dem Jahr 2020 ist er im Risikobereich eines großen deutschen Kreditinstituts tätig.

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