Financial and succession planning


The introduction of efficient asset structures and a selection of individually tailored concepts are just some of our tools of the trade. We consider for you the liquid and illiquid financial products, real estate and insurance, as well as the tax and legal aspects.

We analyse the current situation and project the development of your total assets into the future. Financial planning offers you more than classic financial and asset advice.

As a certified and DIN-tested financial planner (CFP®), we draw up a comprehensive concept for you with the aim of asset accumulation, asset growth and asset protection.

Preserve values

In most cases, the existing family assets have grown out of entrepreneurial activities. Securities, real estate, art collections or real estate – you have worked hard for them and are proud of your life’s work.

Now it is a matter of preserving your work and your values with a view to the future, increasing them and transferring them to the next generation. A comprehensive analysis and planning of your financial situation is crucial.

We define a clearly regulated succession that corresponds to your wishes and needs. In doing so, we observe the current tax and legal principles and evaluate optimisation possibilities.

Our estate experts implement the concept tailored to your needs together with lawyers and tax consultants and check it regularly.

We calculate the costs on the basis of the desired scope of services.

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+49 (0)711 540 90 29 20

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