Real estate and financing

Real estate

With our real estate specialist and licensed real estate agent we support you intensively in the purchase or sale of your real estate. We also take care of the right tenant. We also help with modernization of subsidy funds and state subsidies. We check existing real estate portfolios with regard to the current yield and make the appropriate recommendation. Should you require property management, we are also available here as a sparring partner.

We calculate the costs on the basis desired scope of services

Financing at top conditions

Completely neutral and independent, we find the most favourable and suitable financing for you. Together with you, we work out a tailor-made financing concept. A tender procedure with the various financing partners provides you with absolute transparency at all times and the most favourable offer at the end. Of course, we take care of all the necessary documents and the complete administration.

Active loan management and continuous support are a matter of course for us. Here, too, we calculate the costs according to the scope of services.

Best conditions for financing

You can also rely on our independence in the area of financing. Together with you, we work out and check your financing requirements and create a tailor-made concept for you. Of course, there will be an invitation to tender among selected banks in order to find the best possible conditions for you. We will gladly relieve you of the negotiations and procurement of the necessary documents for the financing commitment.

Ongoing support and ongoing loan management are also part of our service. These services are remunerated on the basis of the loan amount, depending on the scope of services.

We act as real estate loan brokers according to § 34i Abs. 1 S. 1 GewO.(German Law)

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+49 (0)711 540 90 29 20

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